Accelerate Your Rewire

Our 1:1 Rewire coaching program, Accelerate Your Rewire, is designed to support mid-career professionals through every stage of their career transition journey.

Whether you're considering a career pivot, starting a new venture, or seeking greater work-life balance, our personalized coaching provides the guidance and support you need to succeed.

What to Expect:

This program focuses on you.

With the help of an experienced executive coach and career storyteller, we explore your starting point and co-create a journey that accelerates progress toward your rewire.

You can expect a customized plan that pulls from the best of innovation practices, executive coaching, personal branding, and storytelling.

Each step, tool, and conversation is aligned with your ultimate goals.

Are you ready to hit the gas pedal on your rewire?

Key Features of Accelerate Your Rewire

  • Kickstart your Transformation: Our journey begins with an initial call where we'll dive into your current situation and set clear, achievable goals tailored to your aspirations.

  • Deep Dive into Self-Discovery: In addition to live sessions, commit to engaging in self-reflection and brainstorming sessions designed to unlock insights and foster personal growth throughout the program.

  • Personalized Executive Coaching: Experience two targeted 45-minute sessions with Samantha, focused on key areas that will accelerate your rewire journey.

  • Craft Your Success Story: Select two career story updates: Resume, LinkedIn Profile Refresh, Career Introduction Pitch, or Speaker Bio. Katie will collaborate with you to polish these narratives, ensuring they describe your journey and reflect the future you.

  • Plan for Continued Growth: In the final coaching conversation, Samantha will guide you through strategizing next steps to maintain momentum and continue your rewire progress.

Meet The Team

We're REWIRE Experts

Katie and Sam have firsthand experience navigating career changes and have successfully guided hundreds of professionals through their transformations. 

We know what lies ahead—the ups, the downs, and everything in between.

Katie: Career Storyteller

Samantha: Executive Coach

Rewire Client

“Sam and Katie made me open my eyes to understanding that rewiring isn't easy, it is messy and the transition is really hard. But it's absolutely necessary to achieve MY goals in life, make the changes needed to get there and start living the life I want to.”

Rewire Client

“I love how authentic this team is, sharing their journeys to guide us through this process. This work is hard but much needed for me.”

Ready? Next Steps:

We are here to support your journey and co-create a plan for your successful rewire! If you’re ready to accelerate your journey, click the button below to get started.


  • Intake questionnaire

  • 30-minute kickoff call

  • 2x 45-minute executive coaching session

  • Self-paced reflection exercises and prompts

  • 30-minute career storytelling strategy session

  • 2x career story deliverables

  • 30-minute close-out call

Investment: $1,800