Sushi Mishaps and Strategic Comebacks: A Tale of Resilience

There I was, at our offsite in Mexico, planning to conquer 2024, when a rogue rainbow roll had other plans (I KNOW).

On the last day of our strategy session, instead of orchestrating our next big breakthrough, I found myself grappling with an unexpected snag in my plans.

All at once I felt:

  • Frustrated that I couldn’t finish the work I wanted to complete before we left

  • Physically sick and dealing with the consequences of my poor choices

  • Like I had let people down - myself and my partner.

But then Samantha jumped in. She was at the ready to make sure I had what I needed to stay hydrated and comfortable, and she even went out to source the blandest food in the city for me.

She was not at all concerned about the work left undone - because she knew that we would get back to it. She took charge of what needed to happen next and made sure I got home safe and sound. She packed up our materials, gathered all the important notes and set us up for great conversations when we got back home.

Getting incredibly sick on your first trip together is one way to test the bonds of a new partnership (although not one that I would recommend you try on your own)!

This experience highlighted for me the importance of having the right people around when making a big transformation or going after a big goal.

In our resilience workshops we talk about having people who will offer support and validation - no matter what. In this low-point, I was so thankful that my business partner was one of those people.

If you’re thinking about one of your own transitions and might need a boost in your support team, check out our upcoming resilience workshops!


Write Your Next Chapter: Essential Q and A for Anyone Considering a Rewire


Aligning Time with Energy: The Secret Behind My Post-Corporate Transformation