Purpose and Fulfillment: More Than Just Buzzwords in Your New Year's Resolution

Heading into a new year (new you!) is a perfect time to reflect on purpose and fulfillment. 

These terms get a lot of attention, so let’s dig a little deeper into each one and how they interplay. 

Unveiling Purpose

Your purpose is not just a singular item. Instead, it is a combination of your values, talents, skills, and passions. Purpose is how they all come together to offer something unique to the world. It guides you like a North Star, influencing your decisions and shaping your life's direction.

Instead of searching for purpose as a singular 'gem', think of it as light refracting out of a prism with multiple colors and options based on the input (all the things that make you who you are). 

Myth #1 busted: you don’t need to find a singular perfect purpose statement. 

Fulfillment - A Broader Lens

Fulfillment is the satisfaction you experience when your actions are in line with your purpose. It’s a feeling of contentment when you engage in meaningful activities that align with your values. The more open your mindset is about what can lead to fulfillment, the more opportunities you will see to find this sense of satisfaction. 

For example, if your purpose has to do with helping others grow - you can do that as a mentor at work, as a parent, as a coach, or in many other ways. If your purpose is to improve the environment for future generations - again that can manifest in decisions you make at work, at home, through volunteer work, or in your primary occupation. 

Myth #2 busted: purpose and fulfillment can be found across all aspects of your life - paid work doesn’t have to be the main focus 

Navigating Purpose's Paths

The journey to discovering and living your purpose can take many forms. It might manifest in your career choices, hobbies, relationships, and even in the smaller, everyday decisions. Recognizing the fluidity of purpose allows you to explore different facets of yourself and your potential.

Similarly, fulfillment isn't confined to grand achievements. It can be found in daily interactions, small victories, and in contributing to causes close to your heart. By keeping an open mind about what constitutes fulfillment, you allow yourself to experience joy in diverse ways.

Practical Steps Towards Purpose and Fulfillment:

  • Self-Reflection: Regularly take time to reflect on your values, passions, and talents. We have a tool to help you look back

  • Experiment and Explore: Try new experiences to understand what truly resonates with you, both at work and outside of your career. 

  • Seek Feedback: Ask for input from your colleagues, mentors, or a coach  - sometimes they are able to see patterns about what lights you up more clearly.

  • Mindful Practices: Incorporate mindfulness and gratitude to stay connected with your inner self and continue refining your understanding of your purpose. 

Remember, purpose and fulfillment are not destinations but ongoing processes. They evolve as you grow, offering numerous ways to find satisfaction and meaning in life. This new year, embrace the journey of discovering and living your purpose, and find fulfillment in its many forms.


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