How Post-its and Vision Boards Are Shaping Our Future at Compass Rewire

What happens when you stick two transformation experts/design thinkers/change agents in a room for 3 days? You might guess intensive discussions, but the answer is: more Post-its than anyone should be using at the beach!

Compass Rewire's Offsite Brainstorming: Not Your Typical Meeting

At Compass Rewire, we don't just preach the practice of envisioning your desired future; we actively engage in it. To kickstart 2024, Samantha and I embarked on a strategic retreat in the serene backdrop of Mexico, a setting far removed from the typical boardroom scenario.

This offsite wasn't about mundane catch-ups or ticking off tasks. It was an immersive experience designed to align and focus on our goals for the year. Despite our daily conversations, it's the rarity of these deep, undisturbed moments that truly elevate our thinking. Hence, the decision to go 'offsite.'

A Dive into Our Strategic Toolkit

During this retreat, we practiced what we preached, delving into four of the eight strategies we advocate for crafting your future vision:

1. Post-it Brainstorming

The session began with a fundamental question: "If we're wildly successful in 2 years, what is happening?" This question set the stage as we individually jotted down our ideas and concepts on bright, sticky notes, each one a building block for our future.

2. Time Design

Next, Samantha transformed her vision into a tangible, month-in-the-life roadmap. This visual calendar stuck on a hotel room wall illustrated how we could balance work, reflection, and creativity over time, ensuring each piece worked with the others.

3. Strategic Planning Mind Map

Transitioning from visionary thinking to tactical execution, we mapped out activities across our core pillars: retreats, community building, and content creation. We dissected our aspirations into actionable steps, questioning what needs to start now and what must be true by the year's end, or in two years.

4. Culminating with a Vision Board

Our strategic offsite concluded with a flourish of creativity. Armed with scissors and magazines, we crafted visual representations of our goals and aspirations. These vision boards now adorn our workspaces, serving as constant reminders of our shared journey and commitment.

Crafting Your Future: A Personal Journey

Remember, charting the path to your future isn't a one-size-fits-all journey. It's about discovering and blending the right strategies that resonate with your aspirations and workflow.

Are you ready to explore more strategies and insights that pave the road to a fulfilling future? Join our community of forward-thinkers by subscribing to our newsletter. Be the first to receive our monthly dose of inspiration and practical tips, curated just for you.


As we continue to shape our future at Compass Rewire, we're excited to share our journey and learn alongside you. Here's to building a future that resonates with our deepest aspirations, one Post-it and vision board at a time!


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