Does Your Work Culture Trigger a Scarcity Mindset?

Mine did. After nearly a decade at the same company, I didn’t even realize what was happening.

I did, however, notice the symptoms.

The Symptoms of a Scarcity Mindset

I used to feel a pang in my gut when I saw someone at ‘my level’ celebrate a promotion. For the most part, I felt happy for them, but it came with an underlying question: “Why not me?” My mind made leaps:

  • Peer X got promoted.

  • My company values Peer X.

  • I didn’t get promoted (and maybe haven’t for a couple of cycles).

  • I must not be as valued as Peer X.

What did they do better, more, or different than me? It was a losing comparison game. When a colleague posted a promo announcement or got picked for a juicy assignment, I found myself wondering: "Why them? Why not me?"

Realizing the Scarcity Mindset

After leaving, I realized what was going on. I had a 100% scarcity mindset about success. In that world, the ‘success pie’ was fixed. There were only so many promotions, so many bonus dollars. A fixed distribution for how many people could be ‘average’ or ‘excellent’. Therefore, if someone else was thriving, I was less likely to be successful. Talk about a collaboration killer. Even when partnering on the surface level, all this was swirling right below.

You might be experiencing a scarcity mindset if you are:

  • Focusing on limitations

  • Feeling competition for resources

  • Comparing to others

  • Paying attention to what is going wrong

Shifting to an Abundance Mindset

With some deep reflection, I shifted to an abundance mindset about success. Now, when I see another entrepreneur doing something amazing, I think about how I can highlight and amplify their work. Partner. Build together. Connect them to the right clients. Instead of a limited pool of success, there is enough for everyone.

The Abundance Mindset in Action

There’s another option. Bake more pies. More pies mean more success to go around. Less fighting, more partnership, and being truly happy for people when they succeed because it has no bearing on my outcomes. Now, when I drop a thumbs-up on someone’s promo post—I truly mean it.

Reflecting on Your Mindset

Which mindset happens in your office (most days)? Is it a scarcity mindset that pits colleagues against each other, or an abundance mindset that fosters collaboration and mutual success? Recognize the signs and make the shift. You’ll find that more pies make for a much happier workplace.

Wherever your mindset journey takes you, we are here to support your journey. If you are looking for resources, tools, and a community of women walking this path, check out the Rewire Collective.


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