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[COMMUNITY] Creating Your First Piece of Content

This event is part of our ongoing series inside the new Rewire Collective Community!

Check it out here:

Thought leadership, professional branding, and external image are key components of many of our rewires, especially those that involve starting a business or consulting practice. 

But, there's a little voice (often a holdover from working for someone else) that tells us not to put our ideas out there. To wait until they are perfect, or blessed by someone more qualified before we dare share them. 

I'm here to say - your ideas are valid, and there are many avenues to creating your first piece of content. Let's work through a plan together in a workshop that sets you o a path to publish. 

July 23

[COMMUNITY] New Ways of Working Roundtable

July 25

[OPEN] Rewire Collective Demo | Q&A